Thursday, January 15, 2009
Miami Tri Rail Reviews First Year of Successful SPRC Service

Austin TX Capital Metro to open new SPRC service in March

Annual Meeting Agenda Tuesday January 13, 2009
AP070(1) Self-Powered Rail Car Technologies Subcommittee
{Joint Subcommittee of Commuter Rail Transportation Committee (AP070) and
Passenger Rail Equipment and Systems Integration Committee (AR020)}
Annual Meeting
Tuesday, January 13, 2009, 3:45 PM - 5:30 PM
Lincoln South, Washington Hilton, Washington, DC
David Nelson, Chairman---Paul Stangas, Secretary
Minutes of the Midyear Meeting – San Francisco, Saturday, May 31, 2008
Committee Business
Adjustment in Sub-Committee Sponsorship
AR020 Passenger Rail Equipment and Systems Integration to become 2nd (or 3rd) joint sponsor of the SPRC Technologies Subcommittee (See Appendix A)
2009 Session 628 Recent Developments in North American SPRC Markets
Tuesday, January 13, 2009, 7:30pm- 9:30pm Hilton, Lincoln West
Is it commuter rail or is it light rail? The demand for rail transit services continues to grow each year. In many cases, hybrid services are being created to address the demand for service while trying to control the costs of the service. This session provides a glimpse at several new-start services from the past several years.
Portland West Side Express Story Lisa M. Cobb, Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation District of Oregon
Austin Metro-Rail Project Stephen Bonina, Interfleet Technology, Inc.
Tri-County Commuter Rail Authority Demonstration Program Bradley A. Barkman, Tri-County Commuter Rail Authority
Discussion of Recent Industry Developments
Three new SPRC systems in 2008-2009
SPRC Manufacturing Community – Demise of Colorado Rail Car
Evolving Regulations
Shared Track
Non-Compliant Rail Cars
Research Update
2007 TCRP Shared Track Research
2007 FRA ITS Report
Plans for Midyear Meeting
Chicago June 2009?
Research Plan and Agenda